Thursday, October 8, 2015

Those who Reside in the Mountains and some other stuff - Supercraft Update - October 8th, 2015

Almost all pictures this week, no random blurb of text.  Click Read More if you would like to see the images, and read a little bit more.
Starshine (New Name in drafting, Home of the Vikings).

Then we have Mr. Zykary's base.

That is it for the mountains, now on to our road signs for anyone interested in our kinda-sorta-not-really original road names.

And now, our recovery efforts from the forest fire, which I must say is going slowly, but well.
And now, moving to the Right, we have Fred's base of Operations.

Back to Spawn, we have Mine's House, Chimon's House, and the Gallows which recently had it's middle slot remodeled, although we are not sure who by.

And of course, you can't forget that new grey structure behind Chimon's house, so now, to the Graveyard, built by Fred.

Then, because it is next headed down the road, we have my house, then Thunder's, then my farms.

Now, because everybody loves them, Shops!  You probably remember this
Which is now this. (Building on the Left) | The building on the Right is Mr. Zykary's shop.
And here we have the inside or Mr Zykary's shop.
Last on today's update, we have the Spawn Portal, and a new road leading to the Iron Farm access.

1 comment:

  1. You should point out my bounty hunting shop and say that it is a bounty hunting shop now
