Thursday, October 8, 2015

Those who Reside in the Mountains and some other stuff - Supercraft Update - October 8th, 2015

Almost all pictures this week, no random blurb of text.  Click Read More if you would like to see the images, and read a little bit more.

Friday, October 2, 2015

New Buildings around Spawn - Supercraft Update - October 2nd, 2015 A.D.

Lots of new buildings have been popping up around Spawn (3) so here are some pictures, for anyone who is interested. Update: October 3rd: There is now an updated version of the map available on our Public File Access.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Forest Fire - Supercraft Update - September 30th, 2015 A.D.

Last night, we had a forest fire on Supercraft in the forest separating Spawn Village from Fred's Complex.  In case any of you wanted to see the effect, here is an image of the fire's effect.
On another note, we have gotten Overviewer up and running, and now have a map available to all who are interested. The map can also be downloaded from our Public File Access.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Supercraft Update: September 18th 2015

So, here we have a collection of images taken on Supercraft, from September 18th, 2015

A view of spawn from a new treehouse.

An overhead view of the Spawn area.
Shrek and luke's base
Hidden Entrance Wiring.

Underground farm.

TheLivingFred and Timanater777
Looking towards Fred's house.

Inside Fred's house.

On Fred's porch.

Their shared farm.

Tim's House.

Tim's House Interior
My house, which remains incomplete.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Season 7

Supercraft has now entered Season 7.  As for if episodes will be released, that is unsure.
Please note that the entire world is not the Deep Ocean Biome, but that is where my mouse was when I took this image.  Seeing as the release of episodes is unlikely, images of the server will be posted here.  Short video clips may also be posted, but no guarantees.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Live Map

Due to an IP change, we are experiencing minor problems with our Live Map.  As of now, you can connect to it with
Edit:  Our Live Map is now, once again, in working order and can be accessed VIA the Live Map tab
Edit: We have gone plugin-free, and as a result, no longer use DynMap.  The link to the download of our new map can be found at  .  Please note though that the file is ~7.5GB in size.