Friday, January 17, 2014

First Season 2 Video

The first video on Supercraft Season 2 is scheduled to be released this saturday (Jan 18, 2014) at 8:30 A.M. (pacific time) by Minecraft with Spike  - for his channel, Click Here or go to

Monday, January 13, 2014

Update Notice by Spikej555

1. Supercraft team is no longer exclusive to the supercraft server. We have started playing others such as MCBestcraft and Stevens Freebuild.
2. Supercraft S2 has been launched. Videos should be released soon.
Mineraft With Spike (mine)
Stevens Freebuild

This post is being made on 'Minecraft With Spike' (youtube & website), and 'The Supercraft Website'

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Season 2

Season 2 (for real this time) Is now out! Videos will most likely be released by the team soon